Dynamite and His Team - The Fascinating Backstories

Dynamite Scott – Formerly bespectacled librarian Byron Wordsworth Scott (“ ‘Library Science,’ my mother used to say. ‘There’s a future for a young man like you in Library Science.’ “) until his fateful encounter with Miranda the Gypsy Fortuneteller (“Knows All / Sees All / No Credit”), as revealed in the flashback scene from Episode #10 below.

MIRANDA:   [Peering into her crystal ball and speaking in an indeterminate Slavic accent] Ahhh,
                   Byron! … I see excitement! … Danger! …

BYRON:       But not in my job as a librarian …

MIRANDA:   Nooooooo … Not in your job as a librarian … The ball is cloudy …

BYRON:       Cloudy? … Miranda! … Could that mean airplanes? I’ve always dreamed of flying!

MIRANDA:   The clouds move aside … I see you in an airplane! … But I see other people …

BYRON:       A mechanic perhaps?

MIRANDA:   Yes, a mechanic … A faithful assistant! … And there is another person … It is so cloudy
                   … I can’t make out the face … Could it be an old man? … Could it be a woman?

BYRON:       A woman?

MIRANDA:   It is a woman! … She is beautiful …

BYRON:       And innocent?

MIRANDA:   Yes, innocent … and … spirited! … Ohhhhh, the ball grows cloudy … The clouds swirl …
                  The ball grows dark …

BYRON:       But what of … danger?

MIRANDA:   Dark swirling clouds of danger! … Ohhhhhhhhhh! … Miranda can go no further … It is
                  too terrible! … Too much! … To know the future is so painful!

BYRON:       Can I help you, tortured gypsy?

MIRANDA:   Oh … the rent!

BYRON:       Let me help you with it! … [He thrusts a handful of currency to her.]

MIRANDA:   Oh, the gas bill!

BYRON:      Take this also, old woman! … [He thrusts another handful of money across the table.]

MIRANDA:   Oh, my niece in private school!

BYRON:       Here! ... Here, good woman! [Thrusting an even larger handful of bills at her] Now tell
                   me! Tell me!

MIRANDA:    I see … I see …

BYRON:       An archvillain, a man, an evil man, yes?

MIRANDA:   An evil man! … Very evil! …

BYRON:       Amazing! Amazing! His face, old woman, what of his face?

MIRANDA:   There is no face …

BYRON:       But what of his name?

MIRANDA:    I see only his hands … evil hands … knuckles …

BYRON:       Knuckles … knuckles … Dr. Knuckles! Is that it, old woman?

MIRANDA:   Yes! Yes! Dr. Knuckles!

BYRON:       Tell me more! Tell me all about him!

MIRANDA:   No! No! I have told you too much already! Now you must go! Go! Go!

After this life-changing event, Dynamite enrolls in Hero School, begins wearing his iconic pilot’s garb, and now lives in faithful adherence to the precepts of The Hero’s Manual. (Sample: “Rule #47. In the face of an avalanche, do whatever you enjoy most. But be quick about it.”)

Melissa Vanderhilt – Beautiful and innocent, Melissa is the only child of the prominent (i.e., extremely rich) Mr. Vernon Vanderhilt, and is a graduate of Miss Pearson’s, the exclusive finishing school for young ladies. Melissa’s inexplicable presence in the series follows in the hallowed tradition of 1930’s heroines such as Dale Arden in the wonderful old Flash Gordon cliffhanger movie serials.

Squeaky Nutt – Dynamite’s ever-faithful assistant and mechanic. Little-known fact: Despite Squeaky’s clothing and mechanical inclination, she is actually a young woman. It’s possible that Melissa may have realized this. It’s doubtful that Dynamite has. Or ever will.

Dr. Knuckles – The embodiment of all evil. And a total figment of Dynamite’s imagination.


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